Adaptive Mountain Biking – What Does it Take?

What does it take to be an adaptive mountain biker? A thirst for adventure is a good start, but there are some physical and cognitive requirements for this sport. Compared to road and gravel riding, mountain bike trails twist and wind their way through more challenging terrain. Gravity never stops and bike control is all you!

PVA Off-Road Fall Camp 2024 @ Pocahontas State Park

Catalyst Sports Essential Eligibility for Adaptive Mountain Biking

  • Rider has a permanent, disabling condition
  • Rider can make safe cognitive decisions in a fast-paced changing environment.
  • Rider can follow all safety precautions identified by the instructors.
  • Rider can hold their head upright without any head and/or neck support.
  • Rider can wear a properly fitted and rated bike helmet, as well as any other safety equipment appropriately.
  • Rider can understand and follow multiple-step instructions from the instructors independently and in a fast-paced environment.
  • Rider can transfer in and out of the bike independently or with some assistance
  • Rider can remain alert and focused for the duration of the ride and can make decisions quickly in variable terrain.
  • Rider can demonstrate they can independently peddle, steer, stop, start and ride the bike over, around, up, and down a variety of terrain deemed appropriate for their experience level.

Author: AdminDave

David McSpaden is a GIS Analyst